As London-based curator and art dealer Freddie Foulkes popped into our Bloomsbury HQ to pick up a few summer essentials, Oli couldn’t resist talking him through the soft, slubby beauty and sheer versatility of our favourite warm-weather fabric, linen. As linen provides a wonderfully laid-back textural handle, we have used it throughout our unstructured tailoring, trousers, short-sleeve shirts and cropped jackets of our Summer 24 collection.
“For me, linen is all about versatility, it can be dressed up and down, and is equally at home at a destination wedding or by the side of a pool. It's also an exceptionally good crop for the environment in that every single bit of the flax plant gets used, which is a wonderful thing. It's also just really comfy, really easy to wear and, when it's a warm day, it does come in jolly handy.” – Oli

Linen has a lightweight feel, nice handle, and gives the colour a slubby, textural finish that really lends itself to being mixed and matched with other items in any wardrobe. So, you're not 'just' buying a linen suit, you're also investing in myriad other styling configurations.